Poetic Interlude

Writer’s digest not only does short story prompts, but poetry prompts and form introductions such as well. This week’s form was called the Nonet.

From Writer’s Digest’s Robert Lee Brewer’s Poetic Asides Blog:

Nonet Poems: The Rules

The nonet poetic form is simple. It’s a 9-line poem that has 9 syllables in the first line, 8 syllables in the second line, 7 syllables in the third line, and continues to count down to one syllable in the final (ninth) line.

I’d seen this style, and (foolish me) never stopped to consider it was a recognized poetic form. But that was the poetic form being highlighted so I decided to give it a try. Here were my results:

Curvature of Space

So there I stood at the horizon
Where parallel lines meet at last,
And triangles can be made
With three 90 degrees;
And logic blend
As on this
Sphere I
[In case anyone is interested, it is possible to create a 90-90-90 triangle. It must be drawn on a sphere. Kind of a mind-trip.]

And Pass The Chocolate Cake

You must tell me what the secret is!
Don’t say ‘diet and exercise,’
Tell me the *secret*! The trick!
The drug that I can take
To take it all off,
I’m tired of

2 thoughts on “Poetic Interlude

    • Thank you! Poetry tends to be even more personal for me so it’s always a little nerve wracking to put it out there for public consumption, but these felt ‘safe’ 😉

      I was at a conference hosted at a university once, in the math building, and saw a model on display showing a 90-90-90 triangle. I think I must have stared at that thing for 20 minutes, it was awesome. Just the simplicity of it, but the total mind trip of it as well. Obviously it stuck with me.

      You can recreate it by taking any kind of sphere you don’t mind drawing on and starting at one ‘pole’, draw a line straight down to the ‘equator’, or exactly 1/4 of the distance around, then turn 90 degrees and draw another line exactly 1/4 of the distance around, then turn 90 degrees again and draw a line straight back to the beginning, which will also intersect at 90 degrees. There you have it!

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